***Different directions for use online (Connie 06/15/2024)

I got this ZeroHangO! thinking it would be great to have something to help kick the headache and "ughhh" feeling after having one too many drinks the night before. The bottle says serving size is two capsules... the on-line directions suggest a total of 6... on the night you ARE drinking! (not the following morning)
These pills DO have over 2000% vitamin B12 and 500% vitamin B1, along with other B vitamins etc... picture loaded for your reading, since their image is out of focus.
I requested these June 2024, date manufactured was 2/2024 and expiration 12/2025.

ZeroHangO! answers: This is an all-natural capsule. You can't take too many of it . It also depends on how much one had to drink therefore we recommend for people to experiment with what works best for them but in our experience 2 capsules before and another 2 capsules after drinking is a bare minimum. Thank you for the comprehensive review. We appreciate it


****Seems to help the morning after (J&C Landis 06/11/2024)

Up front I will say I haven't given this a real "strenuous test" yet, but so far, based on my preliminary results, these seem to work well for their stated purpose. After two trials, each one consisting of 2 - 3 adult beverages between 8:00 - 10:00 pm, I awoke the next morning by 5:00 am feeling fine. I'm not sure how well I would feel after a full night of partying, but I probably wouldn't be getting up at 5:00 am either. Bottom line, these do seem to help make your morning a little less painful.


* Didn't seem to do anything (Jerkface 06/09/2024)

Tried these out, took 2 as instructed. Had around 3 glasses of wine with water inbetween. Took 2 more. Woke up with a headache still. I'll give it another shot with some whiskey highballs but right now the idea of taking 4 of these horse pills for little to no effect is not appealing.

Pills are extra large, about 30% bigger than a dayquil capsule.

ZeroHangO! answers: Red wine is a major cause of headaches. You should ideally take a couple of OTC painkillers too before hitting the sack. As far as capsule size is concerned...there we can't help. The more ingredients in the capsule , the bigger the capsule. With water it should go down pretty easy.


*****It's working (Betty-Jo 06/29/2024)

I took a couple before I went to a dinner. No ill effects from them. I enjoyed my dinner and drinks afterwards. The next day, I took a couple with some Tylenol and I went about my day. I've tried others and these seem to do the best (and, less expensive).

ZeroHangO! answers: Betty-Jo please note that that ideally ZeroHango! should be taken before and after using alcohol. At least 2 capsules before and after drinking and it also helps if you can supplement with a couple of OTC painkillers.


****Better in the long term (Grizzly C137 07/01/2024)

They worked a little but I didn't notice much of a difference in a hangover,. I will note that they have a lot of stuff in them that are great for your liver tho! If you drink a lot these would still help with long term issues the alcohol causes...


***** It will definitely help ( tmatt75 07/07/2024)

As I get older, the price for enjoying any amount of alcohol seems to go up. I really started to notice this around 40. I still enjoy a drink now and then though and anything I can do to make the next morning better is welcome.
I've tried this on a few nights and I have noticed a better night sleep if I take one or two of these either before I start or before I go to bed. Normally my sleep is what's impacted the most by alcohol and, even after a few drinks, I'm awake in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep. These seem to help with that and overall make the next morning better.


***** More like a 10% hang, but good enough for me (Jon 07/07/2024)

These supplements do a pretty good job of helping me out in the mornings. I'm not a drinker, and will typically feel like I belong in a grave after just a couple beverages.

For the most part, these pills help with the general illness that I would be feeling the next day. I'm still exhausted, and it doesn't seem to help with the dull headache that I feel for most of the day - but a few aspirins can cure that.

Overall this is a great product and does as much as any of the other similar products out there on the market. Sadly, they all seem to be at the exact same price point, so no advantage there.


*****Didn't feel anything- which is the point (Liz 07/05/2024)

I've taken this a couple of times now to prevent a hangover when I know I'll be drinking. The directions say to take two before drinking and two after drinking, but I haven't done that. I've only taken 2 each time. I've woken up in the morning fine - feeling nothing - which means there was no hangover. Good stuff


*****If you sometimes drink too much you should try this (Leonard Deal 07/12/2024)

This product work extremely well. If you take this after drinking you will definitely feel better in the morning.


****Pros and cons (kitkat88 07/13/2024)

These are merely a liver supplement. It's not going to work miracles, but it may help. You may notice a lot of similar vitamins and such in energy drinks...taurine, B vitamins, etc. That should give you a hint right there that these are meant to boost energy after a night out. As others have pointed out, the directions are different than online. 2 versus 6 capsules is a lot and drinking a total of 6 glasses alone will help recovery from alcohol. While there are many beneficial ingredients for one's liver, I am hard-pressed to say that these really helped prevent a hangover. I think drinking water, an energy drink and taking two Tylenol is just as effective. That said there could liver protective qualities to consuming these. Being I am not an expert on such matters...I can't speak to that. Overall, I don't think they are worth the price, but I also don't think they are a "bad" product.

ZeroHangO! answers: It is true that energy drinks contains a lot of similar ingredients BUT it also contains caffeine, it does not contain DHM and ESP which is extremely important, and at +-$3.50 per energy drink is more than a serving of ZeroHangO!. Thank you anyway for the comprehensive review. We appreciate it very much


***** Feel great! ( Don 07/24/2024)

Been looking for something like this. What a difference after having a little too much to drink..no hung over feeling the next day. I feel great.
