A quick read on the Background of our Product

*A European pharmaceutical company brought out a product for liver support more than 40 years ago. It is an all-natural product consisting mainly of different Vitamins B's and also Vitamin E.
People also very quickly found out that this liver support product works great for hangover prevention!
*The secret ingredient included was/is Essential Phospholipids (ESP). Numerous studies have been done over the years on ESP and its efficacy to help heal the liver.
*This product gets prescribed on a daily basis by doctors for people dealing with liver issues due to bad diet, alcohol abuse, jaundice, chemo treatment etc.
*Why is this ingredient so important? Our cell membranes consist of two layers out of ESP. This gets damaged with age, alcohol, diet, and disease.
*The cell basically gets "leaky" and can't hold on to nutrients and water as it should. For some unexplained reason, this ingredient immediately enables the body to not get dehydrated so quickly. Over time and with more usage of this product will it get even better. Less dehydration will lead to fewer hangovers.
*Over the last couple of years have researchers also done studies on other ingredients that help with the metabolizing of alcohol in the body. We also included those ingredients.Please see our Blog for more information.
*We have also found after extensive research that taking a couple of OTC painkillers with ZeroHangO! before you go to bed, makes for an even better morning.